Have You Booked a Guest Speaker for National Cancer Survivors Day®?
The NCSD Speakers Bureau Roster can help you find the right person.
National Cancer Survivors Day® is coming up on Sunday, June 2!
Did you know that having a guest speaker can help set the tone for your Celebration of Life? To help you find the right person, the NCSD Foundation has put together a handy tool – the NCSD Speakers Bureau Roster.
The NCSD Speakers Bureau Roster has booking information for over 250 public speakers, celebrities, cancer survivors, and medical professionals who are available to speak at National Cancer Survivors Day® events, as well as other cancer-related programs held throughout the year.
Register your event at ncsd.org/register to unlock access to the NCSD Speakers Bureau Roster, as well as other exclusive resources and materials. There is no cost or obligation when you register your event with the Foundation.
We’ve highlighted speakers below out of the nearly 275 that are included in our Roster.

Jake Olson became the first fully blind player in college football history when he long snapped a point after try for the University of Southern California. His story of overcoming retinoblastoma and going blind at age 12 has inspired people across the world. Jake was diagnosed at 8 months old. Two months later, the disease claimed his left eye. After battling cancer for 12 years, Jake then lost his right eye.
He confronted many challenges and setbacks but remained strong and has used his experience to inspire others by authoring two books, establishing a nonprofit to support cancer research and visually impaired children, and sharing his story as a motivational speaker. You can learn more about Jake here.

Janice is a 2-time fallopian tube cancer survivor who used humor and creative visualization as anchors through her journey of hope and healing, an award-winning female empowerment expert recognized by Oprah and Essence, author, inspirational speaker, and elected official.
Blessed with 30+ years in recovery, she turned four decades of experience into tools to empower young women and shares her wisdom and hope with those touched by addiction and cancer. You can learn more about Janice at JaniceFerebee.com.

An Irishman, happily exiled in Chicago, having had a thyroidectomy and a prostatectomy, Conor now has a unique Irish condition known as “There’s not much left-o-me!”
In fun, inspirational keynotes, Conor’s mission is to leave the healthcare professionals who helped him on his two cancer journeys, survivors, and caregivers with a smile on the face, a spring in the step, and memorable, actionable takeaways to Keep On Keepin’ ON! You can learn more about Conor at IrishmanSpeaks.com.

Casey Kang Head is a 3-time cancer survivor of acute lymphoblastic leukemia who now helps other fighters and survivors reclaim their lives from cancer to be physically, mentally, and emotionally stronger and to live a life without fear.
She is the author of Finding Your Way Back to Heart Center: Cancer treatment is over, now what? Her advocacy, passion, and purpose with a mission to help others rise up after cancer shines through her speaking engagements to give hope, strength, and resilience to others navigating this life-changing disease. You can learn more about Casey at TheHappierHustle.com.