April 1
April 1 is the deadline to order your National Cancer Survivors Day® t-shirts, keepsakes, and other merchandise from the Official NCSD Merchandise Catalog. From cancer survivor buttons and keychains, to seed packs and writing pens, to the official National Cancer Survivors Day® 2025 t-shirt, the NCSD Merchandise Catalog has a variety of items that cancer survivors are sure to love.
April 1 is also the deadline to request your free Welcome Brochures and Cancer Survivors Resource Guides to hand out to the survivors attending your event. Ordering information is included in this online registration form. We highly encourage you to register your event by this date to take advantage of these free resources.
June 1
June 1 is National Cancer Survivors Day® 2025! On this day, you’ll be joining cancer survivors and supporters around the world to celebrate life after cancer, pay tribute to the cancer survivors in your community, and bring attention to the ongoing challenges they still face.
June 9
June 9 is the deadline to send your NCSD photos to Coping® with Cancer. Exclusive coverage of NCSD will be published by Coping®, and your event photo could be included.
• Format: Close up, candid shots are preferred, either vertical or horizontal.
• Photo Description: Provide a short description of each photo submitted; list people from left to right.
• Digital Camera: Set your camera for the highest possible resolution (quality). Submit via email or file transfer service such as DropBox or WeTransfer.
• Event Information: Please provide information about your event:
• The name of the event host (sponsor)
• Event name
• Location (treatment center, park, virtual, etc.)
• City and state where event was hosted
Also provide contact information, including your name, organization, phone, and email.
• Email to: editor@copingmag.com. Send photos at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
• Send your DropBox, WeTransfer, or other file transfer link to: editor@copingmag.com.
• Email: editor@copingmag.com
• Call: (615) 790-2400