I took hundreds of photos at our Survivors Day event. How do I pick the best shots?

Did you know that Coping with Cancer® magazine is featuring National Cancer Survivors Day® in its July/August Celebration issue? And your NCSD photos could be included!

If you celebrated National Cancer Survivors Day® this year, Coping® magazine wants you to send the best digital photos of your celebration to photos@copingmag.com to be considered for its official coverage of National Cancer Survivors Day® 2021.

The deadline to submit your photos to Coping® is Wednesday, June 16.

Coping® magazine has supplied the following to help you prepare your entries:


  • Format: Close up, candid shots are preferred.
  • Photo Description: Provide a short description of each photo; list people from left to right.
  • Digital Photos: Send digital photos using the highest possible resolution (quality).
  • Event Information: Please provide the name of the event host (sponsor), event name, location (treatment center, park, etc.), city, and state. Also, provide your contact information, including your name, organization, phone, and email.



By submitting your photo(s), you and your sponsoring organization(s) acknowledge that you have the rights to the photo(s) and grant permission to allow Coping and the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation to use submitted materials, in whole or in part, in print and electronic formats and for future publicity for National Cancer Survivors Day®.

I took hundreds of photos at our NCSD event. Which ones should I send to Coping with Cancer®?

For starters, go ahead and weed out any photos that

  • Are blurry, fuzzy, or unfocused
  • Have visual or physical clutter that detracts from the main subject, things “growing” out of people’s heads, or an unsightly background (for example, garbage cans, portable toilets, and plates of half-eaten food)
  • Feature people with unflattering facial expressions (such as while eating or with eyes closed) or in awkward poses

Now that you’ve gotten rid of all those, it’s time to narrow it down to your top few.

We suggest sending around 10 photos of your NCSD celebration to Coping® magazine. (You can send more if you have a variety of great pics.)

Try picking a range of shots that tell the story of your National Cancer Survivors Day® event – from beginning to end. And go ahead and include a snapshot of your entire group if you have one.

Here are some examples from previous Coping® magazine covers to give you an idea of what the editorial team is looking for.

Choose photos that
have lots of action.

Or photos with emotional appeal.

Or photos that make a statement about your Celebration of Life.

We’re excited to see your photos and hear your stories!

You have until Wednesday evening, June 16, to get your absolute best photos together and send them to photos@copingmag.com. And don’t forget to include all the requested information.