Reflections from a Cancer Survivor

[Guest blog by Arthur Bendolph, Jr.]

Arthur Bendolph Jr.
Arthur Bendolph Jr.

Being a cancer survivor is a badge of honor that I wear with pride. My journey through prostate cancer has shaped me in ways I never imagined, turning a personal battle into a mission for advocacy and awareness. 

When I received my diagnosis, it felt like a dark cloud had settled over my life. As a Gulf War veteran, I had faced many challenges, but this was different. The weight of my family history loomed large—my grandfather, father, and uncle had all lost their battles to this disease. Confronting my own mortality ignited a fire within me. I knew I had to not only fight for my life but also advocate for the lives of others.

I urged my brothers and male relatives to get tested, hoping to break the cycle of silence surrounding prostate cancer. The heartbreaking discovery that two of my brothers were also diagnosed deepened my resolve. This experience transformed my fear into a powerful motivation to promote early detection and dismantle the stigma, especially within the African American community, where prostate cancer is disproportionately prevalent. 

Being a survivor means more than just overcoming a diagnosis; it’s about embracing the lessons learned along the way. I’ve learned the importance of community, support, and education. I understand the fears that accompany a diagnosis and the emotional toll it can take. This understanding fuels my passion for empowering others with resources and knowledge to navigate their own journeys.

I am proud to stand as a voice for those who may feel alone in their battles. My mission is to create a space where men feel safe discussing their health and seeking help. I believe that no one should face this fight in isolation, and together, we can shatter the silence surrounding prostate cancer.

Being a cancer survivor has transformed my life. It has instilled in me a profound sense of purpose. I strive to inspire hope and resilience in others, reminding them that even in the darkest moments, there is a path to healing. My journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the impact of compassion and advocacy.

I am proud to be a cancer survivor, not just for myself, but for my family, my brothers, and all those affected by this disease. Together, we can make a difference, change lives, and foster a community of support and understanding.

Arthur Bendolph Jr. is the founder of a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to eradicating prostate cancer. A Gulf War veteran, Arthur discovered a painful family history of the disease that propelled him to advocate for early detection and support for those affected. His organization focuses on raising awareness and providing essential resources, particularly for men and veterans. To learn more, visit

Arthur is part of the Official NCSD Speakers Bureau Roster.