[NCSD Guest Blog Post by Keith Jones]

Life in general is worth celebrating, but life after Cancer is off the charts! You come out of that darkness and into a light that is overwhelming. There is a certain beauty in this struggle, and somewhere in the back of your mind you know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Your senses are heightened and your perspective is broadened to the point that you’re elevated to an almost Zen state. This doesn’t make you higher or holier than anyone else, but it does make you more sensitive, appreciative, and aware. You’re aware of the life legacy you’re creating, and, hopefully, you become more inspired to share, to give and receive as much as possible. Everything takes on a new meaning, and if I could sum it up with one word, that word would be precious.
Every single second of every single minute of every single hour of every single day makes you smile, both inside and out. You glide through life oblivious to prior issues or challenges, happy and secure in the knowledge that you have the answer to the test. Of course, you feel compelled to tell and touch as many people as possible, and you search out new opportunities to make that happen.
Celebration is not just something that you do; it becomes a way of life. It’s impossible to describe, so you don’t even try. But you live life to its fullest, thrilled with the knowledge that you’re one of the chosen ones. The beautiful thing about this celebration is that it never ends. The new-car shine will always sparkle, the new-car smell will never fade, and the stars in the sky will always be bright. Everything is forever new.
Celebrate good times, celebrate bad times, and celebrate everything that comes your way. Don’t take anything for granted, and don’t apologize for being the bearer of gifts. You have your health; you have power and wisdom. Together, they make for a very lethal combination. Glow, radiate, circulate, and disseminate. Get after it, get busy, and get to the business of changing the world.
Yes, you have the answer to the test, but that’s not what it’s about anymore. What it’s about is the question, and that question is simple: From this day forward, you can either get busy living or get busy dying – which one do you choose?
Survivors choose life; we always choose life. Now get out there and shine; shine forever bright!
Keith Denard Jones is an executive chef who currently serves as the corporate executive chef of Mountain High Appliance in Denver, CO. Chef Keith attacks food and life with a joie de vivre that perhaps only a cancer survivor can. His energy and passion are evident in everything he pursues. Learn more about Chef Keith at chefkdj.com.